Balaclava Ontario
A so-called ghost town, Balaclava is a village of only a few buildings. Two are inhabited, but the rest have been abandoned. A saw mill, blacksmith shop and a few houses all sit vacant, empty. Although first started in the 1850's, about 100 years later the mill was all but finished.

A fellow explorer told me of the site, and we knew we had to check it out. The prospect of exploring a real ghost town created feelings of excitement and curiosity, but the fact that the town still has residents, a busy but small highway, and many "No Trespassing" signs took away from the feelings of our 'discovery'.
However, seeing the buildings still standing over 50 years after they were used is a good site. I hate to see old things torn down, and it gives a certain creepy charm to what would normally be just another hamlet on the way to somewhere else.